The weather does really suck these days but the good thing is that it keeps me indoors, so I could be on the footage I brought home from the yesterday's show. What you can see is a couple of songs from Terror, Born From Pain and Trapped Under Ice I took out of their sets they had here in Warsaw at last Show No Mercy (local booking crew, they have been doing metal/hc/alternative show for a while) gig. Good show and all the bands I had a chance to see deliver quality shows while kids were 100% into them, so it couldn't really go wrong. It's good to see almost all of the Terror members jumping on the guest vocals during other band's sets and helping out BFP big time - their vocalist Rob had to drop off the tour due to his eye surgery and hopefully will be back soon. And do not miss the Adam Malik of Pain Runs Deep sweat cameo at the end of "Keep Your Mouth Shut" and probably the youngest Warsaw kid grabbing the mike during Trapped Under Ice set (and bouncers being way too uptight to let him finish as he should). You gotta love it.
Pogoda jest totalnie z dupy i jedyna dobra rzecz, ktora z tego wynika to fakt, ze od razu zabralem sie za stuff, ktory przynioslem wczorajszej nocy do domu. To co mozecie zobaczyc powyzej to kilka kawalkow Terror, Born From Pain i Trapped Under Ice wyjete z ich wystepow na wczorajszym Show No Mercy (jakby ktos nie wiedzial - lokalna zaloga, ktora robi koncerty metal/hc/alternatywne od dluzszego czasu). Zespoly, ktore mialem okazje ogladac zagraly eleganckie gigi, a publika byla zajarana w 100%, wiec nie moglo byc zle. Fajnie bylo ogladac prawie wszystkich czlonkow Terror, przejmujacych goscinnie mikrofony w kawalkach reszty kapel , a zwlaszcza pomagajacych BFP, ktorych to wokalista Rob musial przerwac trase z powodu operacji oka - miejmy nadzieje, ze szybko powroci. Nie przegapcie goscinnego wystepu Adama Malika PRD pod koniec "Keep Your Mouth Shut" i prawdopodobnie najmlodszego typa na sali, przejmujacego mikrof podczas setu Trapped Under Ice (i ochrony, ktora oczywiscie dostrzegla w tym nie lada zagrozenie i niepotrzebnie przeszkadzala). Oszalejecie.
niedziela, 31 maja 2009
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