czwartek, 7 sierpnia 2008

Pain still Runs Deep

When I figure it out about Pain Runs Deep reuniting for a bunch of shows at frist hand, I had kind of mixed feeling, frankly speaking. You know, reunions and shit. But since I've known the dudes for ages and some of them were kind of out of loop for a while, I was kind of looking forward to it.
I had a chance to see only one of the April's shows but I was totally hooked. What I really loved was the thing that they haven't talked about how it was "back in the daze" or "those kids today" and stuff like that. The thing is that I didn't feel like this is the reunion, it was much more like they haven't played a show for a while and finally they did. No old man talks at all.
I asked the people who showed up at the show how they felt about the band and the PRD dudes themselves about their own reasons and hopes to do what they do. What you can see below is what I combined all together. The show took place in Warsaw and again was promoted by This Is Warsaw folks who actually are booking the coolest shows around.

I saw PRD again last weekend, so you'd better come back to this blog and check the new videos in a couple of days.

Gdy dowiedzialem sie o tym, ze Pain Runs Deep ma wrocic na kilka gigow, mialem troche mieszane uczucia, mowiac szczerze. Wiecie - reuniony etc. Ale jako, ze znam tych typow od lat i kilku z nich trudno bylo ostatnio spotkac, to tez troche nie moglem sie tego wszystkiego doczekac.
Mialem okazje zobaczyc tylko jeden koncert z ich kwietniowej trasy i calkowicie mnie kupili. To co mi sie bardzo podobalo to fakt, ze obylo sie bez gadek "jak to bylo kiedys" albo "ta dzisiejsza mlodziez" i tym podobne. Prawda jest taka, ze wcale nie czulem, ze to to jest jakis tam reunion. To byl koncert zespolu, ktory przez chwile po prostu przycichl. Zadnego biadolenia starych dziadow.
Zapytalem ludzi, ktorzy wpadli na ten gig o to, co sadza o PRD, jak i samych typow z zespolu, o ich powody i oczekiwania w tym, co robia. Powyzej mozecie zobaczyc, co z tego wyszlo.
Koncert mial miejsce w Warszawie i zorganizowany zostal ponownie przez pakiete This Is Warsaw, ktorzy robia obecnie najfajniesze gigi w miescie.

Widzialem PRD ponownie w ostatni weekend, wiec radze tutaj zagladac, bo za kilka dni pojawia sie nowe filmy.

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