piątek, 8 sierpnia 2008

Pain Runs Deep... gigging and crushing

Last weekend was such a blast. Where should I start? Ok, Aneta and I went to Krakow (South of Poland) and Gdynia (North of Poland) which are not the closest cities around but there was reason for doing that. We went there for some shows that turned out to be the best ones this year. And one of the best gigs ever. Everything was perfect – kids, bands, promoters, vibe, crowd response, long unseen friends, new folks, food, hang outs, stage dives, sing alongs, goose bumps...
Frankly speaking, I go to shows and I hardly feel like I am at the hardcore gig. I watch the bands, I enjoy the music, I hang out and that’s it. I go home and a couple of days later, I can’t remember a thing. This time it was totally different story. The very next day at the office, I couldn’t think about anything else but how good my life was and how much I loved hardcore.
All of the bands I saw were great and delivered excellent performances and it takes a couple of entries in this very blog’s to give every one a credit that they deserve.

So let’s start with Pain Runs Deep.

The two shows of theirs I had a chance to see were dope. You could see how enthusiastic these guys were and that they poured their hearts and souls into their shows. They used to be a good band 10 years ago but nowadays they’re a fucking killer. Everything I love about the hardcore – they have. Great passion, integrity, they’re not afraid to be vocal and they keep it totally positive.
In Kraków the room was just perfect. The venue name was Odnova, there were 108 (sic!) tickets sold and it was already packed and hot as hell. Two days later was Gdynia at Ucho, the venue that I have already known for ages, bigger but still great room with excellent stage that seemed like designed to dive from.
This band grows stronger and I can’t wait to have them back.

Get back for more footage and stories soon.

Life is good!

Part 1

Part 2

Ostatni weekend dosc zarzadzil. Od czego niby powinienem zaczac? OK., Aneta i ja wybralismy sie do Krakowa i Gdyni, ktore moze nie naleza do najblizej siebie polozonych miast w Polsce, ale mielismy powod. Jak sie okazalo, byly to dwa najlepsze gigi w tym roku i jedne z lepszych w ogole. Wszystko bylo jak nalezy - ludzie, zespoly, organizatorzy, atmosfera, reakcja publiki, dlugo niewidziani przyjaciele, nowe dzieciaki, jedzenie, hang out'y, stage dive'y, singalongi, dreszcze...
Szczerze powiedziawszy, chodze na gigi i rzadko juz sie czuje jak na hardcore'owym gigu. Podobaja mi sie zespoly, spedzam czas ze znajomymi i tyle. Wracam do chaty i pare dni pozniej o wszystkim zapominam. Tym razem bylo zupelnie inaczej. Jeszcze dlugo po koncercie nie bylem w stanie myslec o niczym innym, tylko o tym jak dobre mam zycie i jak kocham hardcore.

Wszystkie zespoly, ktore widzialem byly dobre i zagraly dobre gigi i zajmie mi kilka wpisow tutaj, zeby Wam o tym opowiedziec tak, aby ich nie pokrzywdzic.

Na poczatek Pain Runs Deep.
Oba gigi, ktore grali i widzialem - rzad. Widac jak bardzo ci goscie sa podjarani i jak duzo z siebie daja na kazdym gigu. Byli dobrzy 10 lat temu, ale teraz sa znakomici. Maja wszystko to, co kocham w hardcore. Pasja, szczerosc, nie boja sie mowic tego, co mysla, a przy tym sa totalnie pozytywni.
W Krakowie miejsce bylo doskonale. W klubie Odnova na bramce skasowano 108 (sic!) biletow i byl totalny tlok. Dwa dni pozniej bylismy w Gdyni, w Uchu, znanym mi nie od dzisiaj, z jego scena, ktora zdaje sie byc zaprojektowana, aby z niej skakac.
Ten zespol rosnie w sile i nie moge sie doczekac, az znowu sie wyswietla.

Wpadnijcie tu za jakis czas, bo to nie koniec.



1 komentarz:

thrashismylife pisze...

no w końcu jakis update:)

tak trzymać:)
